-Is it bad that I let my kids wear dirty socks?
-Is it bad that I clip my nails really short?
-Is it bad that I don't like to leave the house?
-Is it bad that I think it's funny when my kids say bad stuff?
-Is it bad that I hate to shower and don't mind being dirty?
-Is it bad that I love it when my hands smell like onions?
-Is it bad that I am obsessed with clean ears, in everyone?
-Is it bad that my room is as messy as it was when I was a teenager?
-Is it bad that I think our kids are the coolest?
-Is it bad that I can literally tune you out?
-Is it bad that I love my pet but think it's annoying when people treat their pets like people?
-Is it bad that I think my brother is the funniest guy?
-Is it bad that people who pretend that everything is great bug the hell out of me?
-Is it bad that I can talk to anyone, anywhere, about anything, and do?
-Is it bad that it drives me crazy when friends don't hold each other accountable?
-Is it bad that my 3 year old still has a Nuk and I don't care?
-Is it bad that I love the quiet?
-Is it bad that WorkinMan lets me do whatever to the house that I want and will help?
-Is it bad that I would rather shop at a thrift store than anywhere else?
to be continued......
I think it's very cool that you're comfortable in your own skin!!!
If all that is bad, we can be bad together! LOL Except the onion hands...you are on your own!
I love it Kelly!! I love the smell of onions (and garlic) on my hands! LOL
This is hilarious!
These are the reasons you are loved!
Kelly! I love you! I have like 10 of these myself, and no,it's not bad... thank you for being you.
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